跨学科翻译研究中心本学期计划开展5-6次学术沙龙,围绕同一个主题“文学复译”展开相关探讨。分析的文献主要是在SSCI、A&HCI、CSSCI期刊上发表的学术论文。本期讨论的两篇文献分别是翻译学Perspectives期刊主编Roberto A. Valdeón在Translation Studies上发表的论文(1992年《西印度毁灭述略》的英语复译)以及陈嘉琨、刘云虹在《外语教学》近期发表的一篇论文。参加本次学术沙龙之前,请提前下载并阅读这两篇文章。欢迎校内外广大学友参与,敬请关注跨学科翻译中心主办的“语言学通讯”公众号,了解本中心的学术动态。
主讲人:王峰博士 永利集团3044am官方入口
时间:2019年10月25日星期五 13:30-15:00
[1] Valdeón, R. A. (2014). The 1992 English retranslation of Brevísima relación de la destrucción de las Indias. Translation Studies,7(1), 1–16.
Abstract:Since the sixteenth century the Brevísima relación de la destrucción de las Indias (1552) by Bartolomé de las Casas (1484–1566) has been translated into English several times. This article analyses the 1992 retranslation by Nigel Griffin. My working hypothesis is that contemporary translations of the text find it hard to resist the anti-Spanish narrative present in earlier translations. To this end the article will assess (1) whether Griffin's retranslation is closer to the source text than earlier versions, especially John Phillips's 1656 Tears of the Indians; (2) how and to what extent the paratexts have an impact on the potential reception of the translation; and (3) to what extent we can trace in Griffin's translation the survival of other elements used in previous editions, notably the engravings that have become closely associated with the text itself. It is found that whereas some features of the earlier translation have been toned down, the inclusion of the engravings, Griffin's footnotes and some of his translation choices continue to echo earlier versions, even though the motivations for publication (ideological or otherwise) may differ.